Ireland’s wheat production is divided with 90% dedicated to winter wheat and 10% to spring wheat, collectively yielding approximately 650,000 tonnes of grain annually. Ireland is capable of producing very high wheat yields, but it faces significant disease challenges, our agronomy team can advise you on the right varieties and spray programmes to minimise risk
More than 90% of the national wheat crop is utilized as feed grain for livestock, including cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry.
Typically, this is split as 60% spring barley and 40% winter which between them produce approx 1.2 to 1.3 million tonnes of grain each year. Barley straw is also a very valuable by-product of this crop, which is eagerly sought after by the many livestock farmers in the country.
The vast majority (75%) of the national barley crop is sold as feed grain, used for cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. About 22% of the national crop grown is classified as ‘malting barley’ and is used in the drinks industry for brewing, distilling and roasting. Approx 3% of the crop is grown for seed production each year.
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