

Beans have a long history in Ireland, and modern farming has further enhanced their importance, with beans improving soil health through nitrogen fixation and supporting biodiversity. At Quinns of Baltinglass, we provide Irish farmers with high-quality bean seeds and expert advice to ensure successful harvests. Quinns is a buyer of Beans and forms a part of native ingredients program for our mill.

Winter Cereals Recommended Lists 2024

Winter Cereals Recommended Lists 2024

5 key pieces of information when deciding to grow beans

1. Beans save up to €500/ha as they require no nitrogen to grow and leave nitrogen (30 kg/ha) for the following crop

2. Beans yield best in medium/heavy soils with good soil fertility (index 3 for P & K) and pH above 6.5

3. Drill LYNX @ 40 seeds/m2 (210 kg/ha or 13 st/ac) to establish 30 plants/m2

4. Drill beans from Feb to mid-April, soil conditions trump the drilling date

5. Beans break the take-all cycle and add 1.0 t/ha extra yield to the following crop