Sheep Brochures

Ewe & Lamb feed brochure

Ewe & Lamb

Supplementation of high-quality protein will drive colostrum quality and milk yield essential for lamb growth. Sufficient supply of quality milk to the lamb is a key driver of live-weight gain and reduction in days to slaughter

Sufficient supply of energy providing enough energy in the diet pre and post lambing is key in reducing metabolic diseases such as twin lamb disease and even maintaining bodyweight on the ewe. If you can supply enough energy for the ewe to maintain herself and provide for the lamb nutritionally, overall expense will be reduced.

Lamb & Ewe
Super 17% Ewe Coarse Ration

Super 17% Ewe Coarse Ration Brochure

Our wide range of Ewe and Lamb products including the Super 17% ewe Coarse Ration includes native grains of the highest standard produced by our local farmers. Daily analysis of these raw materials ensures the farmer receives a premium product for their livestock.

Supreme 14% Hogget

High proportion of Irish grown grain as main energy source, Protein pellet included in coarse ration to increase protein intake and reduce waste ultimately driving growth, High molasses content for increased palatability and intake, Perfect for lambs to finish to fortify frame and increase live-weight gain

Supreme 14% Hogget
Supreme 18 ewe and Super 18 ewe -1

Supreme 18% Ewe Pellet & Super 18% Ewe Pellet

Supplementation pre lambing is extremely important to drive ewe milk yield and quality in early lactation. Feeding concentrates of high protein content in late gestation will aid growth of the lamb(s) and aid in meeting the nutritional requirements of the ewe.

Supreme 20% Ewe

Protein sources derived from high quality rumen bypass protein guaranteed to optimise growth, Energy sources from Irish grown grain which is essential in the production of milk, Includes highly digestible fibre sources to aid rumination and digestion, High specification Rumi-pro sheep mineral, to ensure all mineral requirements are covered.

Supreme 20% ewe
Supreme Intensive Lamb

Supreme Intensive Lamb

High inclusion of natively grown grain with main energy content from rolled barley and both flaked and ground maize, Molashine Molasses for increasing dry matter intakes and ensuring palatability, Quinns Protein pellet which is a soya and oat blend leaving less waste in the trough and ensured consumption of rumen bypass protein necessary for rumen development and growth, Includes Quinns Intensive Lamb mineral which contains Ammonium chloride inclusion to greatly reduce the risk of urinary calculi

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