Beef Brochure
With Ireland being one of the world’s leaders in producing high-quality cuts of beef, we can ensure that nutritional management decisions are at the core when it comes to efficient beef production. At Quinns, we are dedicated to ensuring we provide high-quality feed for livestock to achieve their maximum production potential. Optimum animal performance can be seen when using quality supplementation alongside grassland management.

Super Beef 15% and Supreme Maize Beef
Super Beef 15% is perfect for economic feeding for growing animals to fortify frame and high inclusion of native grain.
Supreme Maize Beef is ideal for animals in the final stage of finishing to excel conformation and is a high proportion of high-energy ingredients with the majority of native grain used.
Supreme Weanling
Many stressors involved with weaning such as the psychological stress of separation from the dam, physical stresses involved with the new environment and mixing with other calves and nutritional stresses involved with the change from a liquid to solid feed diet. Minimising this stress is of the utmost importance and using our formulated supreme weanling crunch will help achieve this.

Super HiGain
3-4 ingredients, Perfect for finishing steers/heifers on silage from 24-30 months, Diverse feed package and suitable for mixed grazing systems as no mineral package inclusion and supplementation of minerals for animals as required.
Dual Purpose Finisher
Coarse ration tailored for finishing stock, No mineral package included providing flexibility for mixed stock and high barley inclusion and includes flaked maize.

Barley Balancer
15% Barley Balancer, 50% maize meal inclusion and can be mixed 50:50 = overall Crude Protein levels of 12.5%
21% Barley Balancer, Soya hulls are primary fibre source and can be mixed 50:50 = overall Crude Protein levels of 15.5%