Quinns are one of the largest grain merchants in Ireland. We process and assemble native seed as well as using significant tonnes of native barley, wheat, oats and beans in our feed mill. We also are sizable traders of grain in the local market. We can offer expert advice on seed, agronomy and risk management with forward price contracts. With extensive grain in-take locations across the East of the country we should never be too far away for you come harvest time.
Please contact our head office for further detail on the any of the above 059 6481266, [email protected]

Technical Agri Advisor
James O’Loughlin

Wholesale Division
Larry Coogan

Technical Sales Advisor - Edenderry Branch
Peter Hickey

Technical Sales Advisor - Geashill Branch
Arnie McDonald

Technical Sales advisor
Dinny Murphy

Technical Sales Advisor - Naas Branch
Ray Nolan

Technical Sales Advisor - Athy Branch
Clive Cole