Cereal & Seeds

The whole area of Agri chemicals can be complex. Quinns would advise contacting your local technical Agri sales advisor to discuss your needs. All our technical Agri sales advisors are very knowledgeable in both theoretical and practical aspects of applying Agri chemicals.

Over the years we have gone from using just a couple of simple products for the control of weeds and diseases in cereals to a multiplicity of new generation chemical compounds. Quinns are conscience of looking after the land and give the best advice to help the tillage farmer become more sustainable.

By and large there is the same spectrum of weed flora in grassland to control with a much broader selection of different types of herbicides to control these and to add to the confusion there are many different names of herbicides which contain more or less the same active ingredients.With respect to disease in cereals, periodic mutation of the organisms causing the disease has necessitated the development of new and different types of chemical compounds. Some cereal growers have become very knowledgeable in this whole area and need no advice on either herbicides or fungicides selection – just a good competitive price!

Where some advice on the choice of either herbicides, pesticides or fungicides are required Quinns have agronomists in the immediate vicinity of all retail outlets. Quinns Agricultural technical advisers are not only here to help you choose the most appropriate products for the crops you choose to go and will also walk and inspect your crops beforehand.

It is also very important both from a price competitive perspective and  a choice of chemical perspective to be a main distributor for all the major chemical companies.

Quinns are main distributors for

BASF Bayer MonsantoRoundup Flex