Showing 10–15 of 15 results
Uniblock’s HerdMinder was designed for cattle post-calving to do twoUniblock’s HerdMinder was designed for cattle post-calving to do two jobs.
- To provide them with magnesium to prevent grass tetany and
- Phosphorus to help boost fertility for mating.
- Contains protected sources of copper and zinc so they are more available to the animal
- Contains 11% Magnesium
- Provides the cow with all the essential trace elements and vitamins to support good immunity post calving
- Costs just 25 cent/day.
- Available in 18kg bucket
High Mag
Help avoid grass tetany (Hypomagnesia) in cattle with Uniblock’s HighHelp avoid grass tetany (Hypomagnesia) in cattle with Uniblock’s High Mag bucket.
Uniblock High Mag is the safest way to feed magnesium – it contains 2g of sugar for every 1g of magnesium. It is sweeter to guarantee protection yet hard enough to control intakes. It is formulated to maximise all trace elements which are lacking in pasture.
- Grass tetany is most common during Spring and Autumn months
- Cold spells of weather can encourage grass tetany
- Ruminants do not store magnesium and require a daily supply
- Costs just 20 cent/day.
* Contains copper – unsuitable for sheep.
Buckets should be placed close to a water source to encourage intakes.
- Costs just 20 cent/day.
- Available in 20kg bucket
Boost cattle health with the help of Uniblock’s Beef Booster.Boost cattle health with the help of Uniblock’s Beef Booster.
- The only beef bucket with 4 sources of copper, vital for cattle grazing on reclaimed or high molybdenum soils to combat deficiencies.
- Includes the all-important trace elements to support good health.
- Also contains XP yeast, the yeast of choice on US beef farms which improves:
- Forage digestibility
- Mineral utilization
- Calf weight gain
- Colostrum quality
- Milk production
- Body condition
- Health and Wellness
- Costs just 9 cent/day.
- Available in 20kg bucket.
Lifeline Precalver
The only pre-calver designed with the calf in mind asThe only pre-calver designed with the calf in mind as well as the cow.
Lifeline is Ireland’s number 1 choice of pre-calver as it the only product that boosts colostrum quality for the calf as well as meeting the cow’s mineral and vitamin needs around calving.
If minerals and vitamins are in short supply, the cow is at greater risk of post-calving health problems such as retained cleanings, milk fever, ketosis, poor dry matter intakes, poor quality colostrum, displaced abomasum, and fertility problems later on.
Avoid ill health and disease pre and post calving with the help of lifeline pre-calver.
- Contains immune-boosting ingredients to stimulate the cow’s immune system.
- Patented to boost colostrum quality by 25%
- Contains 100% protected hydroxy copper and zinc
- Provides the cow with a full range of macro and trace minerals
- Includes protected sources of copper and zinc which are more available to the animal
Are you concerned that your cattle are licking/consuming stones orAre you concerned that your cattle are licking/consuming stones or briars??
PICA is a condition where cows are observed eating stones, briars, and chewing on anything they can get.
When cows are eating soil, stones, and ditches they are trying to tell us something. Again, their normal homeostasis is out, and she is trying to correct whatever deficiency is occurring.
Main causes of PICA in cattle:
- Low Sodium
- Low Phosphorus
- Low fibre
Uniblock has designed PICA-CURE with all these causative factors in mind. PICA-CURE should be fed to help prevent PICA from occurring and can also be used as a treatment once cattle are already licking stones, briars etc.
Pre Calver
Boost cattle health with the help of Uniblock’s Beef Booster.Boost cattle health with the help of Uniblock’s Beef Booster.
- The only beef bucket with 4 sources of copper, vital for cattle grazing on reclaimed or high molybdenum soils to combat deficiencies.
- Includes the all-important trace elements to support good health.
- Also contains XP yeast, the yeast of choice on US beef farms which improves:
- Forage digestibility
- Mineral utilization
- Calf weight gain
- Colostrum quality
- Milk production
- Body condition
- Health and Wellness
- Costs just 9 cent/day.
- Available in 20kg bucket.